Tofino has many plans and regulations when it comes to sustainability. The district wants to continue to grow and become a healthy and rejuvenated city to the residents and locals. Tofino’s practices are listed below and are a great start thinking about the future.
Tofino has recognized the importance of alternative forms of transportation to reduce of greenhouse emissions. The city offers “The Tofino Bus” that accommodate daily services for residents and tourists who are wanting to go to Nanaimo and Victoria. Parking is also available in Tofino, but it is limited to promote less driving within the city. Tofino also offers a bike path that is connected to most of the beaches which helps surfers and other visitors to bike instead of drive.
Tofino is a leader for renewable energy and became a SolarBC community in 2008. During the tourist summer months, solar energy is used by tourism businesses to meet increased hot water demands. In addition, all infrastructure and construction are attempting to use more sustainable materials. This is a project created in hopes of making Tofino economically viable and more energy efficient.

Tofino Vision to Action Sustainable Community Action Plan, 2014, p.12
In 2009, the District of Tofino passed a bylaw by regulating pesticides on residential and public lands. The bylaw aims to protect the landscape and reduces the use of harmful chemicals that can affect wildlife, quality of food, and water sources.
Sustainable eco-tourism activities are immensely popular in Tofino and have become bucket list items for visiting the island. Tofino strives to be sustainable and culturally appropriate which is why The Aboriginal Tourism Association, ATA, created in 1995. ATA is a non-profit that promotes a sustainable, culturally rich Aboriginal tourism industry in BC. The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District is personally responsible for solid waste, recycling services, regional park services and regional planning. Since Tofino relies on tourism, implementing a good recycling program will help minimize the impacts of waste from visitors.
The Eco Lodge Group & Retreat
The EcoLodge Group & Retreat is one of Tofinoanics best suited sustainable options for accommodations. The EcoLodge is a twelve–room bed and breakfast neighboring with the Tofino Botanical Gardens. The accommodations are designed to be clean and affordable with a focus on educational groups and retreats. The lodge provides guests with sustainable advice, such as, no disposable plates or plastic cutlery and bringing reusable water bottles. EcoLodge provides guests with 100% GOTS certified organic towels and have bath products which are locally made and eco–friendly.

(Tofino EcoLodge, 2020).