Mission Statement: To generate customers for our members and economic benefits for our community, while recognizing our responsibilities to residents, the environment and our guests.
Vision Statement: Tofino will be recognized as one of North America’s premier year-round destinations.
Brand Positioning: Tofino’s wellbeing is built upon a foundation of exceptional experiences that uplift bodies, minds and spirits while connecting visitors to Tofino’s genuine west coast peoples, eclectic culture and unique natural places.
Brand Promise: There is a oneness in Tofino connecting the raw beauty of the ocean and forest with all who choose to share in this cherished place.
Tourism Goals (2014-2024)
1. Tourism needs to support Community Wellbeing
The first goal is to ensure that Tofino is a healthy, resilient, culturally rich community with appropriate infrastructure and diverse personal and economic opportunities to achieve a high quality of life. This goal involves building community contributions/connections, increasing economic resiliency and diversity, having an engaged tourism staff and Board of Directors as well as fostering an informed tourism community.
Strategic Directions toward this:
- Make progress on a diverse range of attainable housing
- Ensure the best community value from any future accommodation and development
- Enhance parking and traffic flow management
- Increase communication and dialogue with First Nations communities with respect to tourism
- Ensure a strong Tofino brand and support marketing of “made in Tofino” products
- Develop Tofino appropriate beach infrastructure
2. Tourism needs to support the Natural Environment
The second goal involves Tofino supporting regional ecosystems that are healthy, enhanced by leading stewardship practices, and celebrated through experiences offered in Tofino’s unique setting. This involves Tourism Tofino building connections to help protect the environment and supporting healthy interactions.
Strategic Directions toward this:
- Integrate environmental knowledge/education/respect into all of Tofino’s experiences
- Ensure development pace matches capacity to support and deliver excellent experiences
3. Tourism needs to deliver Visitor Economy and Experience
The third goal is that Tofino can provide exceptional visitor experiences, a diversity of offerings and a strong value proposition to visit the area during summer months and throughout the year. This involves not only enhancing and developing experiences but maintaining and optimizing peak summer visitation periods, growing non-peak periods, increasing overnight visitation, as well as increasing visitor spending, longer stays and repeat visits.
Strategic Directions toward this:
- Ensure development pace matches capacity to support and deliver excellent experiences
- Develop excellence in customer service and visitor experience
- Update market research to support the marketing to target audiences with the greatest potential
- Develop and promote Tofino value offerings in the appropriate seasons
4. Tourism requires a Capacity to Deliver
The final goal is that Tofino has the resources, capacity and partnerships to deliver on all of the discussed tourism goals. This means that they will invest in learning and build knowledge with their seasonal staff and visitors about local values and expected behaviours. Tourism Tofino will also work towards fostering key partnerships.
Strategic Directions toward this:
- Improving work and learning opportunities
- Improve local government and community support of local businesses
- Increase communication and dialogue with First Nations communities
- Improve understanding and communication between Tofino business sectors
COVID-19 Recovery Plan
The District of Tofino released a COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan on September 15th, 2020. This plan intends to pave the way for recovery while taking direction from the Provincial Health Officer. The role of the plan is to fit within the COVID-19 response and recovery framework provided by the Province of British Columbia. The District intends for the Action Plan to be a working document that is responsive to evolving pandemic circumstances.
As Tofino is in the province of British Columbia, they are a part of the BC Tourism Resiliency Network. This long-term program is aimed at helping the BC tourism industry throughout this difficult and unprecedented time. The network is managed by Destination BC but the regional DMO, Tourism Vancouver Island, is in charge of delivering and facilitating the program for Tofino.
This network is targeted specifically at tourism businesses in BC and offers:
One-on-one meetings with program advisors
- Webinars that offer free online learning from experts
- Tons of resources that range from marketing, personal and employee resources to research and idea labs
Some COVID-19 Initiatives in Tofino:
- Tourism Tofino has developed a “Travelling to Tofino during COVID-19 – Tips to prepare for your visit” document for visitors
- Tourism Tofino also has an industry site designed like a blog that offers its members up to date tourism and COVID-19 related information.
- Tofino and Ucluelet have together developed a campaign called “Show Your Love for the West Coast” that encourages visitors of Ucluelet and Tofino to show compassion and care to the host communities. Tourists will be greeted with new signage at the Ucluelet Highway 4 junction and the Tofino Visitor Centre prompting them to partake in safe, responsible travel
- The District of Tofino and Tofino Long Beach Chamber of
Commerce have partnered up to provide free social distancing decals that also encourage customers to shop local