I found this quiz so interesting because it really does spotlight things about yourself that you may not have noticed before. During the quiz, you are asked about your personal specific for travelling, and at the end, you are allotted to a category based on your choices.

I myself was chosen for the ‘cultural history buff’ section. From the answers I gave, the quizzes determined that I am an independent, detailed, and curious person who is more inclined to choose local experiences over large chains in my day-to-day as well as travelling life.

This quiz made me realize thing about myself that were made known to my subconscious but not my conscious brain. In my day to day life I will tell people that I despise history; however, I actually love the subject and learning about different cultures. My negative feelings towards the subject come from years of being tested on these topics in class. I do not like tests, but I do enjoy history.

It is always strange to me how a generalized online survey can help a person realize so much more about themselves. For a lot of people they are also enjoyable to do. This was a part of the class that I will always remember, and I encourage future professors to keep this activity included in the course.